示例程序 test.c
#include <sanitizer/dfsan_interface.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main(void) {
int i = 1;
dfsan_label i_label = dfsan_create_label("i", 0);
dfsan_set_label(i_label, &i, sizeof(i));
int j = 2;
dfsan_label j_label = dfsan_create_label("j", 0);
dfsan_set_label(j_label, &j, sizeof(j));
int k = 3;
dfsan_label k_label = dfsan_create_label("k", 0);
dfsan_set_label(k_label, &k, sizeof(k));
dfsan_label ij_label = dfsan_get_label(i + j);
assert(dfsan_has_label(ij_label, i_label));
assert(dfsan_has_label(ij_label, j_label));
assert(!dfsan_has_label(ij_label, k_label));
dfsan_label ijk_label = dfsan_get_label(i + j + k);
assert(dfsan_has_label(ijk_label, i_label));
assert(dfsan_has_label(ijk_label, j_label));
assert(dfsan_has_label(ijk_label, k_label));
return 0;
/// Creates and returns a base label with the given description and user data.
dfsan_label dfsan_create_label(const char *desc, void *userdata);
/// Sets the label for each address in [addr,addr+size) to \c label.
void dfsan_set_label(dfsan_label label, void *addr, size_t size);
/// Sets the label for each address in [addr,addr+size) to the union of the
/// current label for that address and \c label.
void dfsan_add_label(dfsan_label label, void *addr, size_t size);
/// Retrieves the label associated with the given data.
/// The type of 'data' is arbitrary. The function accepts a value of any type,
/// which can be truncated or extended (implicitly or explicitly) as necessary.
/// The truncation/extension operations will preserve the label of the original
/// value.
dfsan_label dfsan_get_label(long data);
/// Retrieves a pointer to the dfsan_label_info struct for the given label.
const struct dfsan_label_info *dfsan_get_label_info(dfsan_label label);
/// Returns whether the given label label contains the label elem.
int dfsan_has_label(dfsan_label label, dfsan_label elem);
/// If the given label label contains a label with the description desc, returns
/// that label, else returns 0.
dfsan_label dfsan_has_label_with_desc(dfsan_label label, const char *desc);
详见 https://clang.llvm.org/docs/DataFlowSanitizerDesign.html
clang -fsanitize=dataflow test.c
错误1:/usr/bin/ld: cannot find /home/ubuntu/llvm/llvm-project/build/lib/clang/11.0.0/lib/linux/libclang_rt.dfsan-x86_64.a: No such file or directory
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;compiler-rt" -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm